Investigator: Pérez-Escamilla, Rafael, Ann M. Ferris, Linda Drake, Lauren Haldeman, Jessica Peranick, Marcia Campbell, Donna Moran, Yu-Kuei Peng, Georgine Burke, and Bruce A. Bernstein
The authors compared the food and nutrition situation
of low-income preschoolers who received food stamps
(N=59 FS) and those who did not (N=41 NFS). The
100 children participating in the study were recruited
in the waiting areas of the two largest hospitals in
Hartford, CT. The average age of the sampled children
was 2.6 years. Fifty percent were female, and 84
percent were Hispanic. According to their caregivers,
all had been enrolled in WIC at some point in the preceding
year, and 95 percent were receiving WIC benefits
at the time of the study. Groups were comparable
in demographic characteristics, but the socioeconomic
status of the FS group was lower than that of the NFS
The authors report that 74 percent of the 100 households
in their sample were food insecure as measured
by the Radimer/Cornell hunger scale. Among the FS
group, the average monthly FS allotment was $260
and represented 96 percent of monthly food expenditures.
Logistic regression results showed a positive
and statistically significant relationship between “How
long food stamps last each month” and food security,
even after controlling for monthly income, monthly
food stamp allotment, household size, maternal education,
and car availability.
Twenty-four-hour recall data indicate that FS
preschoolers tended to have higher intakes of iron,
zinc, and folate than NFS preschoolers (statistically
significant at the 10 percent level). Among those with
monthly household incomes of less than $1,000, FS
children had higher intake of fiber, riboflavin, niacin,
pantothenic acid, and vitamins B-6 and D than NFS
children. After controlling for energy intake and
child’s age, the positive association between FS and
the intakes of niacin and vitamin B6 remained statistically
significant. Low-income FS children also consumed
more sodas and had a higher caffeine intake
than NFS children.
The authors draw three conclusions from these results.
First, food stamps provide children with higher intakes
of essential nutrients. Second, the monthly duration of
food stamps has an independent effect on the food
security of food stamp households. Third, food shopping,
budgeting and menu planning lessons may be
important for food stamp recipients to maximize how
long their food stamps last each month and to increase
the nutritional value of foods purchased with them.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the study participants,
the Hartford WIC providers, and the hospital
staff who made their project possible.