Food Stamp Program Exits During the Implementation of Welfare Reform Measures
Year: 2000
Research Center: Southern Rural Development Center, Mississippi State University
Investigator: Mills, Bradford, Everett Peterson, Jeffrey Alwang, and Sundar Dorai-Raj
Institution: Virginia Tech
Project Contact:
The Food Stamp Program (FSP) is the remaining major
entitlement program in the U.S. social safety net. Thus,
caseload declines, such as those experienced during the
latter half of the 1990s, generate concern when they
arise from decreasing program participation among
still-eligible and needy families. Recent research
suggests that caseload declines can be linked to
changing eligibility restrictions, to economic gains
among poor and near-poor families otherwise unaffected
by new eligibility restrictions, and to declining
program participation among still-eligible and needy
families. Historically, fewer families have participated
in the FSP than are eligible. Low participation rates are
commonly attributed to stigma and transaction costs
associated with program participation. Because there
may be a less-than-proportionate increase in stigma and
transaction costs associated with participation in both
the FSP and Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF)
compared with each program individually, reform
measures that induce a family to leave TANF may also
induce it to leave the FSP. A recent survey of families
initially in the FSP finds that families leaving Aid to
Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)/TANF have
higher rates of exit from the FSP than families not
initially receiving cash assistance. However, TANF
exits and FSP exits may both be responses to changes
in earnings.
In this paper, the authors first examine the changing
roles of pubic assistance and earnings in the total
incomes of poor and near-poor single female-headed
families with children. They then examine the effects
that changes in family earnings, economic conditions,
State TANF caseload declines, and family exits from
TANF have had on the decision to terminate FSP
participation. They focus their study on single female-headed
families because these families contain a
majority of the Nation’s children living in poverty and
are the largest single recipient group of TANF funds.
Further, while these families have been affected by
changes in eligibility for public cash assistance, they
have been relatively unaffected by concurrent changes
in FSP eligibility.
Data from the 1993 and 1999 March annual demographic
files of the Current Population Survey (CPS)
reveal that total per capita incomes of poor and near-poor
single female-headed families in the Nation as a
whole showed only a modest 1.3-percent increase from
1992 to 1998. However, per capita earnings of these
poor and near-poor families increased by 41.7 percent
over the period. These earnings increases were offset
by a decrease in average AFDC/TANF payments of
53.5 percent. As a result, AFDC/TANF payments as a
share of total income for these families declined from
22.4 percent to 10.3 percent between 1992 and 1998.
FSP benefits showed a smaller decline, from 14.0 to
9.9 percent of total income. In the nonmetropolitan
South, total per capita incomes were $338 lower than
the national average in 1992. However, this gap was
virtually eliminated by 1998, with only a $60 difference
in per capita incomes. Interestingly, the reduction
in the total income gap was not due to more rapid
growth in earned income in the nonmetropolitan
South, but to smaller reductions in initially low
AFDC/TANF benefits. Average per capita
AFDC/TANF benefits declined by only $113 in the
nonmetropolitan South compared with $323 for the
Nation. However, the declines in average per capita
FSP benefits between 1992 and 1998 were virtually
the same for poor and near-poor single female-headed
families in the nonmetropolitan South and the Nation.
The authors estimated a probit model of FSP exits
using the rotating panel component of the 1997 to
1999 Current Population Surveys. Their results suggest
that FSP departures are, in part, a response to the
strengthening of family economic conditions.
Specifically, changes in earnings are, on average, positive
in the sample, and these positive changes strongly
influence exits from the FSP. The results also indicate
that after controlling for earnings shocks, area
economic conditions, and other factors, a departure
from TANF increases the likelihood of leaving the FSP
by almost half. This finding supports suspicions that
TANF reform measures may have indirectly fostered
FSP exits among families that remain below 130
percent of the poverty line and are still eligible for
food assistance. However, FSP participation has not
been disproportionately affected in States that have
aggressively cut TANF caseloads. The authors find
that high rates of State TANF caseload declines actually
mitigate the influence that leaving TANF has on
family FSP exits.
The authors suggest that further research is needed to
identify specific constraints to continued participation
in the FSP by families leaving TANF. For example, if
families do not receive complete information on FSP
eligibility when leaving TANF, additional resources to
support local caseworker counseling may be needed.
If, on the other hand, FSP exit is in response to
cumbersome procedures to retain certification for FSP
benefits when TANF benefits are lost, efforts to further
streamline procedures for continued program participation
may be warranted.
[Additional funding received from the National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program.]