The Winnebago Indian Reservation is located in
Thurston County, NE, and comprises approximately
113,000 acres. There are 2,341 people who live on the
reservation, with 1,156 declaring membership in a
Native American tribe. A recent study found that
obesity has become more prevalent on the reservation.
The rate of obesity increased from 28 percent of the
reservation residents in 1991 to 43 percent of residents
in 1996. Because obesity is a risk factor for diabetes,
the results of the study prompted the organization of a
community task force, which developed four principles
for community programs in diabetes prevention. One
of the four principles is that nutrition would be
addressed at the community, school, and clinical level.
The authors’ first objective was to understand the
nutrition guidelines and nutrition components of the
food assistance programs available on the Winnebago
reservation. They interviewed the directors of Head
Start, the Food Stamp Program, the Summer Feeding
Program, the Food Distribution Program on Indian
Reservations (FDPIR)—known on the reservation as
the Commodities Program—the school meals
programs, Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), and Senior
Citizens Program. They found great variation in the
degree to which nutrition education was provided
through each of the programs. The Head Start Program
and Summer Feeding Program included nutrition
education as part of their daily curriculum. The school
meals programs and the Senior Citizen Program
provided nutrition workshops for their clients. The
Food Stamp Program, FDPIR, and WIC provided
pamphlets on nutrition to their clients.
The second objective of the research was to conduct a
pilot evaluation of nutrition education classes offered
to mothers who received WIC benefits or whose children
were enrolled in the Head Start Program. The
classes taught healthful food preparation techniques.
Nine classes were held during October and November
of 2000. All the mothers participated in the Food
Stamp Program or FDPIR and at least two other food
assistance programs. Class participants completed
surveys before and after receiving the nutrition education
classes. The participants reported some changes in
their food choices and food preparation techniques.
After completing the course, more reported that they
chose fresh fruits and vegetables and reduced-fat dairy
products. They also reported changes in food preparation,
such as a reduction in frying food or adding
gravy to foods. All participants reported positive physical
and emotional changes after attending the classes.
The authors recommend that the study be replicated
with more participants over a longer time period to
evaluate physical or emotional changes in the participants
and their families. They also recommend that
nutrition education classes on food preparation be
provided to clients of all food assistance programs on
the reservation, with a particular focus on the selection
and preparation of healthy foods. A final recommendation
is to increase the coordination between
reservation food programs and their nutrition education