Changes in Food Security After Welfare Reform: Can We Identify a Policy Effect?
Year: 2001
Research Center: Joint Center for Poverty Research, University of Chicago and Northwestern University
Investigator: Jencks, Christopher, and Scott Winship
Institution: John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Project Contact:
Christopher Jencks
Malcolm Wiener Professor of Social Policy
John F. Kennedy School of Government
Harvard University
79 John F. Kennedy Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: 617-495-0546
Fax: 617-496-9053
The authors investigated whether welfare reform has
altered single mothers’ standard of living relative to
that of married couples with children. Welfare reform
is broadly defined to include the Earned Income Tax
Credit (EITC), a refundable tax credit that provides a
subsidy to earned income up to a certain threshold.
Much previous research attempted to track the wellbeing
of welfare leavers, and many studies used
income measures as proxies for material well-being.
The studies of former welfare recipients, however,
suffered from low response rates and did not examine
how welfare reform affected nonenrolled families who
face greater barriers to enrolling in Federal cash assistance
programs. Focusing on income is also problematic
in that employment involves new expenses as well
as income; newly employed former welfare recipients
face transportation, clothing, and childcare expenses,
and often lose their Medicaid coverage. To address
these shortcomings, the authors considered all single
mothers and used direct measures of material wellbeing.
They focused on changes in food-related problems,
using data collected in the annual Food Security
Supplement to the Current Population Survey between
1995 and 1999. To distinguish the effect of welfare
reform from that of the strengthening economy during
this period, the authors compared trends in food-related
problems among single mothers with trends
among married mothers relatively unaffected by
welfare reform.
The authors examined about 50 food-related problems.
All these problems declined between 1995 and 1999
among single and married mothers, and the proportional
declines were approximately equal for the two
groups. Single mothers started with more food-related
problems than married mothers, so equal proportional
declines signify larger percentage point declines
among single mothers. Multivariate analysis shows
that single mothers and married mothers saw improvements
from 1995 to 1997 and that problems declined
among single mothers at least as much as among
married mothers. After 1997, improvements appeared
to cease among both groups. But, because the U.S.
Department of Agriculture’s report on its September
2000 survey showed significant improvement among
female-headed households between 1998 and 2000,
the absence of measurable progress between 1997 and
1999 may well be due to random sampling error or
some other methodological artifact.
The interpretation of these findings depends upon how
the strong economy of the late 1990s would be
expected to affect single mothers relative to married
couples with children. If one believes that prosperity
would have reduced food-related problems by the
same proportion among single mothers as among
married couples with children even in the absence of
welfare reform and the EITC, the authors’ findings
imply that welfare reform in itself had no effect on
single mothers’ living standards. If one believes that
prosperity would have helped families with high labor
force participation rates more than families with low
labor force participation rates, then the fact that food-related
problems fell by the same proportion among
single mothers as among married mothers implies that
single mothers did better under welfare reform and the
EITC than they would have done in their absence.