Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College established
the Nutrition Assessment and Education project
to assess the nutritional needs of the Ojibwa people
and to examine ways to address these nutritional needs
while maintaining the traditional nutrition practices of
the Ojibwa people. The author initiated the project, in
collaboration with other tribal organizations and businesses,
in response to the high risk and prevalence of
diabetes, heart disease, and other nutrition-related
health problems among the Ojibwa people.
The author focused on the members of the Keweenaw
Bay Ojibwa community living on or near the L’Anse
Reservation in northern Michigan on Keweenaw Bay
of Lake Superior. About 860 of the 3,550 members of
the Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa tribal community live on
the reservation. This study provides information on the
initial year of the nutrition project, in which the author
conducted a primary data collection by analyzing the
nutrition content of the food available on the L’Anse
Reservation and surveying 40 elders living on or adjacent
to the reservation about their health status and
food consumption practices.
The author collected information on the food available
at the three restaurants on the L’Anse Reservation and
assessed the nutrient content of the food. While the
restaurants offer some low-calorie meals, many of the
meals are high in fat and calories and lack fruits and
vegetables. None of the restaurants serve traditional
Ojibwa foods, such as wild rice, fish, wild game, and
seasonal fruits and vegetables. The author also
collected information on the food served at the Elderly
Nutrition Program and the Head Start program. These
programs do not serve traditional Ojibwa food regularly,
but do serve it when they receive donations from
local fishermen, hunters, or gardeners. Even then, the
food is often fried rather than prepared with traditional
low-fat cooking methods.
Preliminary results of the survey of elders indicate that
health problems are much more prevalent among this
population than among the elderly U.S. population
overall. Almost half of the Ojibwa elders who
responded to the survey are obese, 35 percent have
diabetes, and almost 40 percent have high blood
Most of the elders who responded to the survey (85
percent) reported getting some exercise each week.
About two-thirds walk as their primary exercise. Over
half of the respondents eat fast food only once per
month, but almost one-fourth eat fast food at least
three times per week. The Elderly Nutrition Program,
which provides light breakfasts and lunches Monday
through Friday to adults age 55 and over, is an important
source of food for elders on the reservation. About
80 percent of the survey respondents participate in the
program, and 25 percent eat at least three meals per
week through the program.
Less than one-third of the respondents eat traditional
Ojibwa food once per week or less. However, over
one-half reported that they would like to eat traditional
Ojibwa food at least once per week, and over one-fourth
reported that they would like to eat it at least
once per day. The most frequently reported barrier to
eating Ojibwa food is that it is difficult to get.
In the second year of the nutrition project, the author
will continue the primary data collection from Ojibwa
elders and begin a similar survey of children on the
reservation. The analysis of these data could provide
important insights into the factors related to healthy
food consumption practices and activity levels by
Ojibwa elders and children. To encourage the Ojibwa
people to eat traditional food, the nutrition project
plans to produce a cookbook of traditional Ojibwa
food and to encourage the local restaurants and
feeding programs to incorporate this food in their