Making Ends Meet: An Examination of TANF and Former TANF Food Pantry Users in Virginia
Year: 2002
Research Center: Joint Center for Poverty Research, University of Chicago and Northwestern University
Investigator: Nichols-Casebolt, Ann
Institution: Virginia Commonwealth University
Project Contact:
Ann Nichols-Casebolt
Virginia Commonwealth University
School of Social Work
1001 W. Franklin Street
Richmond, VA 23284-2027
Since passage of the 1996 welfare reform legislation,
questions have been asked about whether those who
have stopped using Federal cash assistance and food
stamps have achieved self-sufficiency, or whether they
have instead come to rely on assistance from private
organizations. Nichols-Casebolt conducted a series of
statewide surveys of Virginia food pantry users from
1997 to 2001. She examined the characteristics of
Virginia families with children who sought assistance
in food pantries and described changes over time in
their receipt of cash assistance and food stamps. She
also collected information on the material well-being
of food pantry users, including their food security
status in 2001.
The study found that demographic characteristics of
food pantry users changed little between 1997 and
2001. In contrast, the share of food pantry users
receiving cash assistance or food stamps fell. About 42
percent of food pantry users were also receiving food
stamps at the time of the 1997 survey, while about 30
percent of food pantry users were also receiving food
stamps in 2001. The author also found that over 35
percent of food pantry users who had recently left the
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
indicated that they had also stopped receiving food
stamps within the last 6 months. After statistically
controlling for a number of other factors that influence
food stamp receipt, the author found that TANF
leavers are significantly less likely than TANF recipients
to receive food stamps. Food pantry users who are
most likely to be at economic risk—including the
unemployed, single parents, parents with young children,
and those with low education levels—are most
likely to receive food stamps.
The study also documented the material hardships of
many households who seek services at food pantries.
Over 80 percent of the families were food insecure and
over 25 percent lost telephone service at some time in
the past 6 months. About 15 percent had been recently
forced to change their living arrangements. The author
examined the factors associated with the food security
status of food pantry users. The results indicate that
higher household income is associated with greater
food security. After household income and demographic
characteristics are controlled for, the receipt of
either cash assistance or food stamps has no statistically
significant effect on the food security status of
food pantry users.
The author concluded that private food assistance
plays a strong role in meeting the food needs of some
low-income families. She noted that the decrease in
the Food Stamp Program (FSP) participation rate
suggested that food pantries are promising locations
for FSP outreach efforts. Given the strong positive
relationship between household income and food security,
the author suggests that policies that focus on
employment and work supports are important elements
to improve food security in this population.