The Home-Delivered Meals (HDM) component of the
Nutrition Services Incentive Program provides meals
to noninstitutionalized frail elderly persons who are no
longer able to obtain an adequate diet without assistance.
This study examined whether participation in
the HDM program improves nutritional outcomes,
characterized elders who are most likely to benefit from
the program, and identified a number of nutritional
indicators that can be used in program evaluation.
Several studies have found benefits associated with
HDM. For example, a recent national evaluation found
that participants in both HDM and Congregate Meals
had a higher average daily intake of nutrients than a
matched comparison group of nonparticipants.
However, due to methodological limitations, these
studies could not determine whether participation in
the HDM program was responsible for the improved
outcomes. The authors addressed the methodological
limitations of previous studies by comparing those
who received HDM with a nonrandomized control
group and by using longitudinal data on the nutritional
outcomes of both the control and treatment group
members. The authors also examined outcomes other
than nutrient intakes, such as food security and dietary
patterns, and information on measured, rather than
self-reported, height and weight.
This collaborative study analyzed data collected by the
New York State Office for the Aging in 1999 in three
counties representative of Upstate New York. All
elders referred for aging services over a 5-month
period received a standard assessment and were asked
to participate in the study. Of the 212 people who
agreed to participate, 171 began receiving HDM and
41 began receiving other services but not HDM. Both
the HDM recipients and nonrecipients completed a
baseline survey and two followup surveys, at 6 months
and 12 months after the baseline survey. The surveys
contained a 24-hour dietary recall and questions used
to construct the Federal measure of food security. A
number of elders in the initial sample did not complete
the followup surveys, primarily because they stopped
participating in HDM because they no longer needed
it, moved, or died. A total of 99 elders completed the
6-month followup survey, and 67 elders completed the
12-month followup survey. The authors used estimation
techniques that suggest that the bias resulting
from the loss of sample members is minimal.
The study found that respondents’ dietary intakes
before receipt of HDM were lower than recommended
for many nutrients and food groups. After receipt of
meals through the HDM program, however, participants
reported eating more vegetables, a greater
variety of fruits and vegetables, and more beta
carotene, vitamin E, and magnesium. In addition, the
prevalence of food insecurity among elders in the
sample decreased from 23 percent to 13 percent. The
analysis shows that the positive effects of the HDM
are greater among males and elders who live alone.
Participants with poorer initial nutritional status also
show greater improvement, regardless of demographic
The analysis compared HDM participants whose diets
were assessed in the followup surveys on days that
they had eaten an HDM meal with participants whose
diets were assessed on days that they had not eaten an
HDM meal. Participants who had eaten an HDM meal
on assessment day showed greater improvement over
time in 25 of 27 indicators of nutrient intake and
dietary patterns compared with participants who had
not eaten an HDM meal on assessment. The authors
found similar results when they examined nutrient
density rather than total nutrient intake.
These results provide evidence that the HDM program
improves the nutritional well-being of the elderly. The
fact that some applicants are placed on a waiting list
shows there is unmet interest in participating in the
HDM program. The positive effects of the program are
an important consideration in the decision to allocate
limited resources to social programs. Information on
those who are likely to benefit most from the program
can be used to target program resources more effectively.
In addition, the new nutritional indicators identified
in the study can be used to measure the effect of
the HDM and other food assistance and nutrition