Project:Community Capacity and Food Insecurity in the Era of Welfare Reform
Year: 2003
Research Center: Southern Rural Development Center, Mississippi State University
Investigator: Parisi, Domenico, Duane A. Gill, and Deborah Harris
Institution: Mississippi State
Project Contact: Domenico Parisi, Assistant Professor Mississippi State University P.O. Box 5287 Mississippi State, MS 39762-5287 Phone:
This study examined the strategies used by the State of Mississippi to
implement the Food Stamp Program after the passage of the 1996 welfare
reform legislation, focusing on how local characteristics affect a community's
ability to adapt to new policy requirements and serve its low-income
population. The authors used administrative data from the Mississippi
Department of Human Services (DHS) and decennial census data over the
1970 to 2000 period. They also conducted interviews with food stamp recipients
from two counties in Mississippi and with 44 State- and community-level
key informants who were knowledgeable of welfare policy in
Many of these key informants believed that reducing caseloads was a higher
priority than increasing workforce participation. They suggested that State
policies and practices took a punitive stance against cash welfare recipients,
but were more accepting of the receipt of food stamps. They suggested that
food stamp participation declined because the State did not clearly communicate
the policy changes in public assistance to DHS employees located
within State- and community-level offices. In particular, key informants
noted that DHS staff did not receive training about the policy changes and
that the mass mailing used by the State to inform welfare recipients of
policy changes was ineffective.
Key informants also noted that welfare recipients faced numerous barriers to
employment, including a lack of available jobs and limited access to transportation
and child care for those who could secure jobs.
The authors examined county-level characteristics from Coahoma and Lee
Counties in Mississippi. Coahoma County had a poverty rate of 35.9
percent and an unemployment rate of 10.1 percent in 2000. In contrast, Lee
County had a poverty rate of 13.4 percent and an unemployment rate below
5 percent in 2000. In Lee County, community-level organizations played a
major role in helping clients seek public assistance by linking them to State
and other public agencies. Key informants indicated that the high degree of
collaboration among local organizations in the county allowed them to
better serve the low-income population.