The purpose of this study is to advance knowledge and
understanding of welfare reform and food assistance
issues in the rural South through interviews with former
and soon-to-be former welfare-reliant women in
Louisiana. The authors are interested in the early
progress, barriers to success, and needs of welfare-reliant
families, with particular emphasis on issues
such as the nontraditional mechanisms women use to
establish food security and make ends meet for their
families. Their paper is a preliminary report from a
second round of qualitative interviews with a targeted
group of rural Louisiana women.
From fall 1997 through spring 1998, the research team
conducted the first round of qualitative interviews with
84 women in 7 rural Louisiana parishes at the sites
where the women participated in GED classes or training
programs. Beginning in late fall 1998, the team
began visiting these women again; at the time of their
initial report on the research, 52 women had been
interviewed in the second round. Respondents were
asked a wide variety of questions pertaining to their
transition away from welfare reliance, including those
on the short form of the USDA Food Security module.
The authors summarize the quantitative responses the
women gave to the food security items and to related
open-ended questions about food sources and strategies
for feeding their families.
By the second interview, only 21 percent of the women
were still participating in the welfare program through
the Family Independence Temporary Assistance
Program (FITAP), Louisiana’s Temporary Assistance
to Needy Families program. Approximately two-thirds
of the women reported still receiving Medicaid benefits
for themselves while just over 90 percent of the
women reported that their children were still receiving
Medicaid benefits. Most of the women (87 percent)
still received food stamps for their household. The
average monthly food stamp benefit of those still participating
in the program was $249. Few women indicated
that church or community food banks or pantries
were available in their communities. More than 86 percent
of the women reported that their children ate free
or reduced-price school breakfasts and lunches.
A majority of the women reported food security in
their households. However, approximately 20 percent
of the women reported concerns over their food security;
these women may be experiencing anxiety over
their food supply. The food insecurity of these women
seemed to be attributable to their inability to serve
“balanced meals” as often as they would like, rather
than to an actual shortage of food. The provisioning
strategies of these women were typical of strategies
reported in the research literature: they reduced the
size of meals, skipped meals, served meals they did
not consider nutritionally balanced, and let their children
eat first, taking what was left for the adults in the
For the women interviewed for this study, and for
women like them around the Nation, the transition
from welfare reliance to wage-based self sufficiency is
just beginning. The authors suggest it will be important
to continue monitoring such women and their
families to ensure that food assistance programs like
food stamps support their transition.