The degree to which minimum wages affect employment
has been of interest to economists and policymakers
for many years. This interest has stemmed
largely from a potential inconsistency between the
intent of minimum wage laws and their theoretical
effects. The goal of minimum wage policy is to
increase an individual’s ability to support a family
and avoid welfare through full-time work. But the
conventional neoclassical model of competitive labor
markets predicts that higher wages come at the
expense of lower employment levels. For minimum
wages to improve total wage payments to low-skill
workers, the demand curve for low-skilled labor must
be relatively inelastic.
Most empirical research on minimum wages has
focused on the relationship between minimum wage
increases and employment rates, especially among
teenagers. To date, there have been no studies that
estimate the impact of minimum wage legislation on
potential welfare recipients. Passage of the Personal
Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation
Act of 1996 (PRWORA) intensifies
the need to understand the relationship between
work and welfare.
In this study, Page uses variation in minimum wages
across States and over time to estimate the minimum
wage effect on the size of State welfare caseloads.
Data are for 1983 to 1996. Her model includes a number
of explanatory variables, including the average
production wage, gross State product, current and
lagged unemployment rates by State, and a number of
socioeconomic variables. Her empirical results indicate
that, controlling for these factors, State, and time
trends, the elasticity of the welfare caseload with
respect to the minimum wage is between 0.1 and 0.2.
In other words, a 35-percent increase in the minimum
wage, like the increase recently implemented in
California, could lead to a 3- to 7-percent increase in
the size of the welfare caseload, all else remaining
equal. These results are remarkably stable to the
inclusion of additional variables that influence the
evolution of caseloads over time, such as State-specific
welfare reforms and changes in a State’s political
These results suggest that minimum wages, which are
intended to improve the financial independence of
low-skilled workers, appear to have an important side
effect: the wage gains experienced by those who keep
their jobs are accompanied by an increase in the welfare
rolls. Page argues that policies like the Earned
Income Tax Credit, which increases income through
the tax code without depressing the demand for low-skill
labor, are likely to be more effective than minimum
wages in facilitating the transition from welfare
to work.