Food, Health, and Nutrient Supplements: Beliefs Among Food Stamp-Eligible Women and Implications for Food Stamps Policy
Year: 2000
Research Center: Department of Nutrition at the University of California, Davis
Investigator: Pelletier, David, Vivica Kraak, and Jamie Dollahite
Institution: Cornell University
Project Contact:
David Pelletier, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Nutrition Policy
Division of Nutritional Sciences
378 MVR Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
Phone: 607-255-1086
Fax: 607-255-0178
Several U.S. professional organizations that develop
research-based dietary recommendations for the public
support the position that most nutrients can and should
be obtained by eating a balanced diet. In contrast to
these recommendations, supplement use by the public
is a growing trend. Recent legislation has considered
allowing the purchase of nutrient supplements with
food stamps, but little is known about nutrient supplement
use among low-income Americans. This qualitative
study investigated the attitudes and beliefs of an
ethnically and regionally diverse sample of food stamp-eligible
women concerning the relationship between
food, health, nutrient supplementation, and associated
lifestyle factors. The research team conducted semistructured
interviews with 72 women from New York
City, Fort Smith, Arkansas, and San Francisco, San
Jose, and Oakland, California. They interviewed
approximately equal numbers of African-American,
Asian, Hispanic, and White women in each site.
The authors report that the majority of women in their
study held general philosophies about nutrient supplementation
that were influenced by a variety of factors.
These factors included their views about the nutritional
adequacy of food by itself, the feasibility of achieving
a healthful diet, personal health status or special needs,
perceived benefits of supplements, personal experience
(positive or negative) with taking supplements in the
past, and their concept of what constitutes a supplement.
The women’s philosophies appeared malleable
and/or negotiable, depending upon the degree of self-reflection,
the clarification of existing information, the
addition of new information, and changes in health
status or income.
Many of the women interviewed view supplements as
something that could replace or substitute for a
healthful diet, but the sample was divided over the
desirability of using supplements in this way. Most
women acknowledged the difficulties of maintaining a
healthful diet for themselves and their families, in part
for reasons beyond their control, and they view supplements
as a practical way to compensate. A smaller
group expressed concern that not all dietary needs can
be met in this way and that some people may not make
wise decisions if the policy is changed. However, the
majority feel this decision should be left to food stamp
recipients themselves.
While the interviews revealed a strong preference on the
part of food stamp-eligible women for changing the
policy on supplement purchase, the authors point to
some countervailing considerations. Specifically, they
argue that the health benefits of a policy change may be
quite limited because dietary deficiencies are rare in this
population; that the potential exists for an unintended
decline in the quality of food intake; and that there are
imperfections and asymmetries in the information available
on supplements and healthy eating.
The authors conclude that their findings suggest
adopting a broad set of criteria in considering supplement-
related policies for the Food Stamp Program,
including anticipated impacts on food access, health
promotion, and personal autonomy. They also recommend
using a broader set of strategies to improve the
nutritional health of the food stamp-eligible population.