This study evaluated the effect of the Spend Less, Eat
Well, Feel Better (SLEWFB) educational intervention
on (1) household food security status, (2) ability to pay
rent, (3) average daily fruit and vegetable intake, and
(4) success in accomplishing self-set financial and
food goals. SLEWFB is an educational program initiated
and delivered by the Family Service Office (FSO)
of the Salvation Army in Honolulu, HI. FSO is the
primary distributor of emergency housing and utility
assistance in Honolulu. SLEWFB is a 3-hour session
on financial resource management and food, diet, and
health. It is intended to provide resources, skills, and
motivation that will “teach participants how to fish,
rather than just giving them fish.”
Participants eligible for the evaluation included 438
FSO clients who entered FSO offices between January
and August 2001. Upon their initial entry to the FSO
office, participants were randomly placed in the intervention
group, which received the SLEWFB session,
or in the control group, which received a 1-hour course
in food safety.
Members of both groups were surveyed both before
and after the intervention. The pre-intervention survey
was completed in person, and a followup survey was
administered 4-6 weeks after the intervention through
the mail, by phone, or in person. A third interview,
scheduled for 6 months after the intervention, was
canceled due to poor response rates to the followup
survey. Both surveys included seven questions used to
measure household food security, a question about
ability to pay rent on time, and two questions
pertaining to the frequency of fruit and vegetable
consumption. Pearson’s chi-square analysis and
repeated measures of application of analysis of variance
(ANOVA) were used to assess statistical significance
of variables over time and by intervention. The
researchers also conducted two focus groups to clarify
the perceived value of the SLEWFB.
Two hundred participants, or 46 percent of those
eligible, completed the SLEWFB session or the food
safety course. Of the 200 participants, 115 completed
the SLEWFB session and 85 completed the food
safety course. About half (47 percent) of all participants
completed the followup survey, 48 percent of the
SLEWFB group, and 47 percent of the food safety
course group. The authors found that food security
status improved in both the control and intervention
groups. SLEWFB participants were 26 percent more
likely than the control group to report that they could
pay rent on time before and after the intervention.
Members of the intervention group were also significantly
more likely than those in the control group to
report that they no longer had to choose between food
and rent in the followup survey. Small but statistically
significant improvements in fruit and vegetable intake
were demonstrated only by the SLEWFB participants.
Goal progress did not vary by intervention type; 88
percent of the subjects reported at least some progress
toward their financial goal. Focus group participants
confirmed that the SLEWFB intervention improved
their ability to manage their resources and their selfperception.
Participants confirmed the value of
dialogue with their peers in similar circumstances,
although most felt a financial incentive was required to
entice their participation in either educational class. In
addition, four of six focus group participants reported
that they had decreased the number of packages of
cigarettes smoked a day because of the SLEWFB
intervention, although this was not a specific objective
of the program.
The authors conclude that even a short, 3-hour contact
can improve desired outcomes if delivered in a manner
that encourages self-assessment, motivates clients, and
provides adequate monitoring of project variables for
every client. However, the authors note that participants
reported a need for a financial incentive to
participate in the SLEWFB and that the low survey
response rates made it impossible to assess the longterm
effects of the educational program.