Hunger, Food Insecurity, and Child Obesity
Year: 2002
Research Center: Department of Nutrition at the University of California, Davis
Investigator: Townsend, Marilyn, and Hugo Melgar-Quiñonez
Institution: University of California, Davis
Project Contact:
Marilyn Townsend
University of California, Davis
Department of Nutrition
3150D Meyer Hall
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616-8669
Phone: 530-754-9222
While the prevalence of obesity is increasing among
children of all socioeconomic groups, obesity is most
common among children of low socioeconomic status.
At the same time, many low-income households with
children report that they have difficulty in meeting
their food needs. The development of a Federal
measure of food security has made it possible to
consistently monitor the difficulties that households
experience in meeting their food needs. In 2001, about
13 million children lived in food-insecure households,
in which, according to the Federal definition, availability
of food was limited or uncertain because of
financial constraints. Recent studies have found a positive
association between food-related material hardship
and overweight among U.S. women. This study
considered whether a positive association between
overweight and food-related material hardship also
exists among children.
The authors examined the relationship between a
measure of food-related material hardship and child
overweight for Mexican-American, non-Hispanic
Black and non-Hispanic White boys and girls ages 2-
19. They combined several years of data from the
Continuing Survey of Food Intakes for Individuals
(CSFII) to examine a nationally representative sample
of 6,473 children. The data provide information on the
reported height and weight for each child. The authors
adjusted the values of height and weight to account for
the error typically found in self-reported measures, and
used the adjusted values to calculate an indicator of
whether the child was overweight or at risk of
becoming overweight.
Surveyed households reported whether they had (1)
enough of the kinds of food they wanted to eat, (2)
enough but not always the kinds of food they wanted
to eat, (3) sometimes not enough to eat, or (4) often
not enough to eat. The authors categorized households
that indicated that they had enough of the kinds of
food they wanted to eat as food secure and all other
households as food insecure. Note that this measure
of food security differs from the Federal measure just
described, which is assessed by a series of 18 questions
about a household’s difficulties in meeting its
food needs due to financial constraints.
The authors found that 12 percent of children are overweight,
and another 16 percent are at risk of becoming
overweight. A child’s risk of becoming or being overweight
increases as their dietary energy intake, saturated
fat intake, or time spent watching television
increases, and decreases as their household income
relative to the poverty line increases.
About three-fourths of children live in households
categorized as food secure, according to the study’s
definition. The authors separated children into four age
groups and found that food insecurity is positively
associated with overweight and risk of overweight
among children ages 12-15 and children ages 16-19.
They also separated children according to their race
and ethnicity and found no significant relationship
between overweight and food insecurity among non-
Hispanic White children of any age. However, they
found a positive association between overweight and
food insecurity for several age groups of Mexican-
American and non-Hispanic Black children. Food
insecurity is positively associated with overweight
and risk of overweight for non-Hispanic black children
ages 12-15 and Mexican-American children
ages 6-11.
The study results show that older minority children
who are food insecure are more likely to be overweight
than those who are food secure. The authors
noted that corroboration of this finding may guide the
development of education interventions that accompany
food assistance programs, such as the Food
Stamp Program, available to food-insecure families.