Assessing the Relationship Between Food Insecurity Events and Food Assistance Programs in Two Different Public Housing Communities
Year: 2003
Research Center: Southern Rural Development Center, Mississippi State University
Investigator: Bezuneh, Mesfin, and Zelealem Yiheyis
Institution: Clark Atlanta University
Project Contact:
Mesfin Bezuneh, Associate Professor
Department of Economics
Clark Atlanta University
223 James P. Brawley Drive, S.W.
Atlanta, GA 30314
Phone: 404-880-6274
In spite of the economic growth and relatively low unemployment that characterized
the U.S. economy over much of the past decade, food insufficiency
and hunger continued to affect certain segments of the U.S.
population. This study estimated the prevalence of food insecurity for a
sample of housing assistance recipients in Atlanta, GA, and examined how
the timing of food stamp receipt influences a household's food insecurity
The study compared households in two different types of public housing
communities. The first type is a traditional public housing unit that consists
of 500 apartment units occupied by eligible low-income families. The
second type is a mixed-income housing community, in which a portion of
units are subsidized for eligible low-income families and the remainder are
available to anyone at market prices. The authors conducted a survey of
322 housing assistance recipients, collecting information on demographic
characteristics, income, and receipt of government assistance, as well as
information used to determine a household's food security status.
The study found that 52 percent of the respondents were food insecure and
16 percent were food insecure with hunger. The majority of the respondents
(61 percent) reported receipt of food stamps and other forms of government
assistance (in addition to their housing subsidy) in the month prior to the
interview period. Respondents in mixed-income housing units had higher
average income, higher employment rates, and were less likely to be food
insecure than respondents in traditional public housing communities. It is
not known whether the relatively favorable conditions for housing assistance
recipients in mixed-income households are a result of the difference in
the type of housing assistance or whether households that are most likely to
experience better conditions are more able to access mixed-income housing
The study found that 22 percent of respondent households contained at least
one adult who reduced food intake. The survey's items that register reduced
food intake included cutting the size of or skipping meals or going without
eating for a whole day because of a lack of money for food at some time
during the month before the survey. Among these households, the incidence
of reduced food intake was more likely to occur during the fourth week of
the month, especially for public assistance recipients. The authors note the
need for further research on the timing of the disbursal of public assistance.