Project: The Effects of Welfare Implementation on Food Stamp Caseloads |
Award Year: 1999 |
Amount of award, fiscal 1999: $200,079.00 |
Institution: Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute for Government |
Principal Investigator: Richard Nathan and Thomas Gais |
Status: Completed |
Detailed Objective: This work describes administrative and policy systems put in place under the welfare reforms of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA), and
assesses their impacts on food stamp benefit delivery and the food stamp caseload. The work was funded as a cooperative research agreement
with the Research Foundation of the State University of New York, The Nelson
A. Rockefeller Institute for Government. It builds on the findings of the Rockefeller
Institute's State Capacity Study and will rely on the Institute's 20-State network
of field research teams to help carry out the project.
During the first stage of the project, information will be collected and assembled
on food stamp caseloads, economic circumstances, relevant social changes, and
program data to determine divergent patterns of program delivery among the States.
At least eight States will then be selected for detailed data collection from
two sites in each State in order to analyze specific institutional practices
affecting food stamp caseloads. By focusing analytical efforts on understanding
the differences in delivery systems for food stamps and welfare and how these
systems have changed in recent years, the work will provide information to Federal,
State, and local policymakers and administrators to address issues of food stamp
access and caseload dynamics. The cost of the work is $200,079 in fiscal 1999.
All work under the agreement is expected to be completed by September 2002. |
Topic: Program Operations, SNAP/Food Stamp Program, Welfare Reform |
Output: Fossett, J., T. Gais, and F. Thompson. "New Systems of Social Programs? Local Implementation of Health Care, Food Stamp, and TANF Programs," Focus, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Institute for Research on Poverty, Vol. 22, No. 3, Summer 2003. |