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Food and Nutrition Assistance Research Reports Database - Research Reports & Articles Database

  • Updated: January 06, 2025
Project: Southern Rural Development Center, Mississippi State University
Award Year: 2008
Amount of award, fiscal 2005: $230,000.00 fiscal 1998: $222,000.00 fiscal 2000: $200,000.00 fiscal 2006: $180,000.00 fiscal 2007: $180,000.00 fiscal 2008: $180,000.00 fiscal 2002: $180,000.00 fiscal 2003: $180,000.00 fiscal 2004: $180,000.00 fiscal 2001: $160,000.00 fiscal 1999: $150,000.00
Institution: Mississippi State University
Status: Ongoing
Detailed Objective: Welfare reform poses unique challenges for the South, which is home to the largest share of rural residents in the United States and has the highest rates of poverty, unemployment, and underemployment in the nation. The South is also home to the majority of the 1890 land grant universities, which are among the pre-eminent Historically Black Colleges and Universities in the Nation. Through the Small Grants Program, the Southern Rural Development Center (SRDC) seeks to support research activities at these institutions in particular. The SRDC has also initiated a broader dialogue on food assistance research issues in the South through establishment of the Rural South Food Assistance Advisory Committee, which supports the Small Grant Program by selecting research priorities and reviewing grant proposals.
Topic: RIDGE (Small Grants) Program
Bartkowski, J., and H. Regis. "Faith-Based Food Assistance in the Rural South," Food Assistance Policy Series, No. 2, Southern Rural Development Center, October 2001.
Beaulieu, L., ed. Strengthening Our Nation’s Food Assistance Programs, RIDGE Program: Research Innovation and Development Grants in Economics, Southern Rural Development Center, June 2007.
Blalock, L., P. Monroe, and M. Garrison. "Theoretical Threads Weave the Foundation for Family Policy Research," Sourcebook of Family Theory and Research, V. Bengston et al., eds., Sage Publications, Inc., 2005.
Blalock, L., V. Tiller, and P. Monroe. "They Get You Out of Courage: Persistent Deep Poverty Among Former Welfare Reliant Women," Family Relations, Vol. 53, Issue 2, March 2004.
Blanchard, T., and T. Lyson. "Food Availability & Food Deserts in the Nonmetropolitan South," Food Assistance Needs of the South's Vulnerable Populations, No.12, Southern Rural Development Center, April 2006.
Cashwell, S., J. Bartkowski, P. Duffy, J. Molnar, V. Casanova, and M. Irimia-Vladu. "Knowledge of Charitable Choice Among Food Pantry Directors in the Deep South," Food Assistance Needs of the South's Vulnerable Populations, No. 7, Southern Rural Development Center, October 2003.
Cashwell, S., J. Bartkowski, P. Duffy, V. Casanova, J. Monar, and M. Irimia-Vladu. "Private Food Assistance in the Deep South: Assessing Agency Directors' Knowledge of Charitable Choice," Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, Vol. 31, No. 2, June 2004.
Cason, K., R. Cox, and J. Burney. "Do Food Stamps Without Education Improve the Nutrient Intake and Food-Related Behaviors of Recipients?," Food Assistance Needs of the South's Vulnerable Populations, No. 4, Southern Rural Development Center, March 2002.
Chen, Z., and Q. Zhang. "Nutrigenomics Hypothesis: Examining the Association between Food Stamp Program Participation and Bodyweight among Low-income Women," Journal of Family and Economic Issues, Vol. 32, No. 3, September 2011.
Connell, C., K. Yadrick, A. Hinton, and J. Su. "Food Insufficiency and the Use of Food Assistance Programs in the South," Food Assistance Policy Series, No. 1, Southern Rural Development Center, July 2001.
Dean, W., J. Sharkey, and C. Johnson. “Food Insecurity Is Associated with Social Capital, Perceived Personal Disparity and Partnership Status Among Older and Senior Adults in a Largely Rural Area of Central Texas,” Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics, Vol. 30, Issue 2, 2011.
Duffy, P., C. Zizza, and H. Kinnucan. The South Does Not Make You Fat: A Study of Nutrition, Food Security, and Obesity, Southern Rural Development Center, Food Assistance and Nutrition Information Series, September 2009.
Duffy, P., G. Hallmark, J. Molnar, L. Claxton, C. Bailey, and S. Miloucich. "Food Security of Low-income Single Parents in East Alabama: Use of Private and Public Programs in the Age of Welfare Reform," Southern Rural Sociology, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2002.
Duffy, P., M. Irimia-Vladu, S. Cashwell, J. Bartkwoski, J. Molnar, and V. Casanova. "Food Pantries and the Populations They Serve: Strange Bedfellows or Strategic Partners," Sociological Inquiry, Vol. 76, Issue 4, November 2006.
Dunn, R., J. Sharkey, J. Lotade-Manje, Y. Bouhlal, and R. Nayga. “Socio-Economic Status, Racial Composition, and the Affordability of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Neighborhoods of a Large Rural Region in Texas,” Nutrition Journal, Vol. 10, January 2011.
Fram, M., E. Frongillo, and S. Jones. Including Children’s Views Can Enhance Our Understanding of Food Insecurity, RIDGE Center for Targeted Studies, Food Assistance and Nutrition Information Series, May 2011.
Fram, M., E. Frongillo, S. Jones, R. Williams, M. Burke, K. DeLoach, and C. Blake. “Children Are Aware of Food Insecurity and Take Responsibility for Managing Food Resources,” The Journal of Nutrition, Vol.141, No. 6, June 2011.
Fram, M., L. Ritchie, N. Rosen, and E. Frongillo. “Child Experience of Food Insecurity is Associated with Child Diet and Physical Activity,” Journal of Nutrition, Vol. 145, No. 3, March 2015.
Heflin, C., P. Mueser, and A. London. Going Digital: The Pros and Cons of Promoting Online Food Assistance Applications, RIDGE Center for Targeted Studies, Food Assistance and Nutrition Information Series, February 2012.
Ishdorj, A., and V. Salin.  “The Effect of Food Assistance on American Indian Women’s Food Choices” in Mendoza, J. ed. “Native Americans: Cultural Diversity, Health Issues and Challenges,” Nova Science Publishers, 2015.
Johnson, C., J. Sharkey, W. Dean, J. St. John, and M. Castillo. “Promotoras as Research Partners to Engage Health Disparity Communities,” Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Vol. 113, No. 5, May 2013
Jones, S., C. Childers, A. Weaver, and J. Ball. “SC Farm-to-School Program Encourages Children to Consume Vegetables,” Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, Vol. 10, Issue 4, 2015.
Kavanagh, K., and C. Springer. Incomes or Attitudes? What Determines Whether Mothers in the WIC Program Dilute or Concentrate Baby Formula, Southern Rural Development Center, Food Assistance and Nutrition Information Series, November 2009.
Kimbro, R., and E. Rigby. “Federal Food Policy And Childhood Obesity: A Solution Or Part Of The Problem?,” Health Affairs, Vol. 29, No. 3., March 2010.
Kolbo, J., A. Khoury, W. Bounds, and J. Lee. “Overweight and Obesity in the South: Prevalence and Related Health Care Costs Among Population Groups,” Food Assistance Needs of the South’s Vulnerable Populations, Southern Rural Development Center, No. 13, July 2007.
Kyureghian, G., and R. Nayga Jr. "Food Store Access, Availability and Choice When Purchasing Fruits and Vegetables," American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Vol. 95, Issue 5, October 2013.
Kyureghian, G., R. Nayga Jr., and S. Bhattacharya. "The Effect of Food Store Access and Income on Household Purchases of Fruits and Vegetables: A Mixed Effects Analysis," Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, Vol. 35, Issue 1, March 2013.
Kyureghian, G., R. Nayga Jr., and S. Bhattacharya. “The Effect of Food Store Access and Income on Household Purchases of Fruits and Vegetables: A Mixed Effects Analysis,” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, Volume 35, Issue 1, March 2013.
Laraia, B., J. Borja, and M. Bentley. “Grandmothers, Fathers, and Depressive Symptoms Are Associated with Food Insecurity among Low-Income First-Time African-American Mothers in North Carolina,” Issue 6, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Vol. 109, June 2009.
Liese A., J. Hibbert, X. Ma, B. Bell, and S. Battersby. “Where Are the Food Deserts? An Evaluation of Policy-Relevant Measures of Community Food Access in South Carolina,” Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition, Vol. 9, Issue 1, 2014.
Ma, X., S. Battersby, B. Bell, J. Hibbert, T. Barnes, and A. Liese. “Variation in Low Food Access Areas Due to Data Source Inaccuracies,” Applied Geography, Vol. 45, December 2013
Mills, B., B. Whitacre, and C. Hilmer. "Family Head Education and Working Poverty in the Rural South," Southern Business and Economic Journal, Vol. 27, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring 2004.
Mills, B., B. Whitacre, and C. Hilmer. "Working More but Staying Poor," Food Assistance Needs of the South's Vulnerable Populations, No. 11, Southern Rural Development Center, October 2005.
Mills, B., J. Alwang, E. Peterson, and S. Dorai-Raj. "Declining Food Stamp Program Participation: A Concern for the Rural South?," Food Assistance Needs of the South's Vulnerable Populations, No. 3, Southern Rural Development Center, December 2001.
Molnar, J., P. Duffy, L. Claxton, and C. Bailey. "Private Food Assistance in a Small Metropolitan Area: Urban Resources and Rural Needs," Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, Vol. 28, No. 3, September 2001.
Monroe, P., C. O'Neil, V. Tiller, and J. Smith. "The Challenge of Compliance: Food Security in Rural Households Affected by Welfare Reform," Food Assistance Needs of the South's Vulnerable Populations, No. 5, Southern Rural Development Center, July 2002.
Muhammad, S., F. Tegegne, E. Ekanem, N. Appleton and L. Pearson. "Participation of Latino/Hispanic Population in the Food Stamp Program (FSP)," Journal of Food Distribution Research, Vol. 36, No. 1, March 2005.
Murray, A., and B. Mills. “An Application of Dichotomous and Polytomous Rasch Models for Scoring Energy Insecurity,” Energy Policy, Vol. 51, December 2012
Murray, E., and A. Zekeri. "Evaluation of the Benefit Security Card for the Food Stamp Program in Alabama," Land, Community and Culture: African American and Asian American/Pacific Islander Connections, R. Zabawa, N. Baharanyi, and W. Hill, eds., Proceedings of the 60th Annual Professional Agricultural Workers Conference, December 9-11, 2002, 2004.
Mykerezi, E. and B. Mills. "The Impact of Food Stamp Program Participation on Household Food Insecurity," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 92, Issue 5, October 2010.
Nalty, C., J. Sharkey, and W. Dean. “Children’s Reporting of Food Insecurity in Predominately Food Insecure Households in Texas Border Colonias,” Nutrition Journal, Vol. 12, January 2013
Nalty, C., J. Sharkey, and W. Dean. “School-based Nutrition Programs are Associated with Reduced Child Food Insecurity Over Time among Mexican-origin Mother Child Dyads in Texas Border Colonias,” Journal of Nutrition, Vol. 143, No. 5, May 2013
Rigby, E., and R. Kimbro. The High Price of Food Exacts a High Price on Low-Income Children’s Weight, Southern Rural Development Center, Food Assistance and Nutrition Information Series, September 2010.
Salmon, M., and J. Bridges. "Waiting for Dinner: Elderly on the Waiting List for Home-Delivered Meals," Food Assistance Needs of the South's Vulnerable Populations, Number 9, February 2005.
Serrano, E., and R. Cox, "Preventing Childhood Obesity," Food Assistance Needs of the South's Vulnerable Populations, Number 10, Southern Rural Development Center, April 2005.
Sharkey J., C. Nalty, C. Johnson, and W. Dean. “Children’s Very Low Food Security is Associated with Increased Dietary Intakes in Energy, Fat, and Added Sugar among Mexican-origin Children (6-11 y) in Texas Border Colonias.” BMC Pediatrics, Vol. 12, February 2012.
Sharkey J., W. Dean, and C. Nalty. “Convenience Stores and the Marketing of Foods and Beverages through Product Assortment,” American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Vol. 43, Issue 3, Supplement 2, September 2012.
Sharkey, J., C. Johnson, and W. Dean. "Food Access and Perceptions of the Community and Household Food Environment as Correlates of Fruit and Vegetable Intake among Rural Seniors," BMC Geriatrics, Vol. 10, 2010.
Sharkey, J., S. Horel, and C. Johnson. Rural Seniors Have Fewer Options for Healthy Diets, Southern Rural Development Center, Food Assistance and Nutrition Information Series, October 2009.
Sharkey, J., S. Horel, H. Daikwon, and J. Huber Jr.  "Association between Neighborhood Need and Spatial Access to Food Stores and Fast Food Restaurants in Neighborhoods of Colonias," International Journal of Health Geographics, Vol. 8, No. 9, February 2009.
Sharkey, J., W. Dean, and C. Nalty. “Child Hunger and the Protective Effects of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Alternative Food Sources among Mexican-Origin Families in Texas Border Colonias,” BMC Pediatrics, Vol. 13, September 2013.
Sharkey, J., W. Dean, C. Nalty, and J. Xu. “Convenience Stores are the Key Food Environment Influence on Nutrients Available from Household Food Supplies in Texas Border Colonias,” BMC Public Health, Vol. 13, 2013
Sharkey,J., W. Dean, and C. Johnson. “Association of Household and Community Characteristics with Adult and Child Food Insecurity among Mexican-Origin Households in Colonias along the Texas-Mexico Border,” International Journal for Equity in Health, Vol. 10, May 2011.
Slack, T. and C. Myers. “Understanding the Geography of Food Stamp Program Participation: Do Space and Place Matter?” Social Science Research, Vol. 41, Issue 2, March 2012.
Slack, T., and C. Myers. One-Size Doesn’t Fit All: Different Reasons Drive Food Stamp Use in Areas Across the South, Southern Rural Development Center, Food Assistance and Nutrition Information Series, August 2010.
Sohi, I., B. Bell, J. Liu, S. Battersby, and A. Liese. "Differences in Food Environment Perceptions and Spatial Attributes of Food Shopping between Residents of Low and High Food Access Areas," Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Vol. 46, no. 4, July-August 2014.
Valdez, Z., W.R. Dean, and J.R. Sharkey. “Mobile and Home-based Vendors’ Contributions to the Retail Food Environment in Rural South Texas Mexican-origin Settlements,” Appetite, Vol. 59, Issue 2, October 2012.
White, S., X. You, S. Murdock, and T. Swenson. "Patterns of Food Stamp Receipt by Noncitizens in Rural Texas Counties," Food Assistance Needs of the South's Vulnerable Populations, No. 8, Southern Rural Development Center, February 2004.
Yen, S., D. Bruce and L. Jahns. "Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Participation and Health: Evidence from Low-Income Individuals in Tennessee," Contemporary Economic Policy, Vol. 30, Issue 1, January 2012.
Yen, S., D. Bruce, and L. Jahns. Food Stamps Effectively Target Those Most in Need, Southern Rural Development Center, Food Assistance and Nutrition Information Series, November 2009.
Zekeri, A. "Food Insecurity and Depression Among Single Mothers in Rural Alabama," Journal of Rural Social Sciences, Vol. 25, Number 1, 2010.
Zekeri, A. "Opinions of EBT Recipients and Food Retailers in the Rural South," Food Assistance Needs of the South's Vulnerable Populations, No. 6, Southern Rural Development Center, July 2003.
Zhang, Q. “Maternal Employment and Childhood Obesity among Immigrant Families,” North American Journal of Medicine and Science, Vol. 3, No. 2, April 2010.
Zhang, Q., Y. Wang, and E. Huang. “Changes in Racial/Ethnic Disparities in the Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes by Obesity Level Among US Adults,” Ethnicity & Health, Vol. 14, Issue 5, October 2009.
Zhang, Q., Z. Chen, N. Diawara, and Y. Wang. “Prices of Unhealthy Foods, Food Stamp Program Participation, and Body Weight Status Among U.S. Low-Income Women,” Journal of Family and Economic Issues, Vol. 32, No. 2, June 2011.
Zoellner J., C. Connell, W. Bounds, L. Crook, and K. Yadrick. “Nutrition Literacy Status and Preferred Nutrition Communication Channels Among Adults in the Lower Mississippi Delta,” Preventing Chronic Disease, Vol. 6, No. 4, October 2009.
Zoellner, J., W. Bounds, C. Connell, K. Yadrick, and L. Crook. “Meaningful Messages: Adults in the Lower Mississippi Delta Provide Cultural Insight into Strategies for Promoting the MyPyramid,” Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Vol. 42, Issue 1, January-February 2010.