Project: Children of Immigrants’ Food Insecurity and SNAP Receipt |
Award Year: 2010 |
Amount of award, fiscal 2010: $180,000.00 |
Institution: Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. |
Principal Investigator: Heather Koball |
Status: Ongoing |
Detailed Objective: This study will examine the relationship between the food security of children of immigrants and their participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly the Food Stamp Program). As a result of changes in SNAP eligibility policies, many children of immigrants are eligible for the program even when their parents are not. In particular, with the passage of the 2002 Farm Act, children born in the United States are eligible for SNAP regardless of their parents’ immigration status, as long as other household eligibility criteria are met. This study will assess (1) the effects of changes in SNAP eligibility on SNAP participation and benefits in immigrant households with children over the period 1997-2008, (2) the characteristics of immigrant households associated with SNAP participation, and (3) the effects of SNAP participation on food insecurity among children of immigrants. Data will come from the Current Population Survey-Food Security Supplement (CPS-FSS) and the CPS Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPS-ASEC). SNAP eligibility will be estimated by using Mathematica’s MATH-CPS microsimulation model. |
Topic: Food Security, SNAP/Food Stamp Program |
Dataset: Current Population Survey food Security Supplement (CPS-FSS) |
Output: Koball, H., A. Lui, S. Morgan, and L. Clary. Food Insecurity and SNAP Use Among Immigrant Families with Children During the Economic Downturn, Contractor and Cooperator Report No. 79, USDA, ERS, January 2013