Project: Re-examination of the Dietary Reference Intakes for Food Energy, Zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Fiber, and Potassium
Award Year: 2006
Amount of award, fiscal 2006: $139,281.00
Institution: Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
Principal Investigator: Barbara Devaney
Status: Completed
Detailed Objective: Recent findings from first-generation studies consistently indicate dramatic dietary deficiencies as well as excessive intakes for some nutrients and population groups targeted by USDA food assistance programs. These findings are the first to emerge from analyses that use the new dietary reference standards and dietary assessment methods. It is, therefore, critical to determine whether the identified dietary deficiencies or excesses represent important or potential dietary problems that might be addressed by policy and program changes or whether they stem from methodological weaknesses in dietary assessment methods and/or the derivation of the new dietary reference standards, the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs). To address these issues, this project will review the DRIs for food energy, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin E, fiber, and potassium.
Topic: Data Collection and Methodology, Dietary Intake and Quality
Devaney, B., M. Crepinsek, K. Fortson, and L. Quay. Review of Dietary Reference Intakes for Selected Nutrients: Challenges and Implications for Federal Food and Nutrition Policy, Contractor and Cooperator Report No. 28, USDA, ERS, February 2007.