Project: Development of Prototype Notebook of Short Questions on Dietary Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior
Award Year: 2004
Amount of award, fiscal 2004: $46,619.00
Institution: Mathematica Policy Research Inc.
Principal Investigator: Ronette Briefel
Status: Completed
Detailed Objective: The goal of the Food Stamp Nutrition Education (FSNE) program is to provide programs that increase the likelihood of all food stamp recipients making healthy food choices consistent with the most expert dietary advice as reflected in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the Food Guide Pyramid. Currently, no common core set of survey questions to measure the impact of FSNE is available. Developing a common core set of questions on dietary behavior will assist in monitoring program audience needs and assist FSNE stakeholders to provide policymakers with better program impact information and to design more responsive programs. This project will develop a prototype notebook of short questions on dietary knowledge, attitudes, and behavior for use by an expert panel to develop a common core set of questions on dietary behavior. To develop these common core set of questions, ERS will convene a small workshop of experts in April 2004 to identify core questions or question prototypes that can be developed into a set of core outcome measures.
Topic: Conferences and Workshops, Data Collection and Methodology, Dietary Intake and Quality, Nutrition Education
Hartline-Grafton, H., R. Nyman, R. Briefel, and R. Cohen, Prototype Notebook: Short Questions on Dietary Intake, Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors, E-FAN-04-010, USDA, ERS, September 2004.