Project: Food Stamp Use by Legal Immigrants Before and After the 2003 Restorations |
Award Year: 2003 |
Amount of award, fiscal 2003: $200,000.00 |
Institution: The Urban Institute |
Principal Investigator: Jeffrey Passel |
Status: Completed |
Detailed Objective: The 2002 Farm Bill restored food stamp eligibility to working-age immigrants who had been in the United States for 5 years or longer, and to all legal immigrant children. This project will examine the food stamp participation rate of immigrant households following the Farm Bill's restoration of benefits to noncitizens; determine how and why immigrant household participation rates vary by State; examine how immigrant household participation rates differ from other eligible populations; and identify vulnerable eligible immigrant subpopulations who may not be participating in the Food Stamp Program.
This project will involve two interconnected tasks: 1) it will analyze trends in food stamp participation among households with legal immigrants, focusing on the share of the eligible population that participates in the Food Stamp Program, and 2) it will use demographic decomposition and multiple regression techniques to identify factors affecting food stamp participation. Factors to be considered include State-level differences in immigration trends, economic conditions, and the availability of State-funded food programs for noncitizens. The study will use Current Population Survey (CPS) data (1999-2004) modified by Urban Institute's Transfer Income Model (TRIM). The model corrects for underreporting and misreporting of food stamp participation in the CPS. |
Topic: Program Operations, SNAP/Food Stamp Program |
Dataset: Current Population Survey (CPS) |
Output: Henderson, E., R. Capps, and K. Finegold. Impact of 2002-03 Farm Bill Restorations on Food Stamp Use by Legal Immigrants, Contractor and Cooperator Report No. 40, USDA, ERS, April 2008. |