Project: Post-Conference Workshop on Evaluation of Nutrition Education with Low-Income Families
Award Year: 2002
Amount of award, fiscal 2002: $30,000.00
Institution: Society for Nutrition Education
Status: Completed
Detailed Objective: This project provides support for a workshop on evaluation of nutrition education with low-income families. An emphasis will be placed on evaluation of nutrition education delivered through the Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program (FSNEP). As of fiscal year 2002, FSNEP was operating in 48 state agencies, with Federal funding estimated at $177 million and an equal match of State resources. The workshop will bring together state program directors and researchers with evaluation expertise with a goal of enhancing evaluation practices, fostering interdisciplinary research and evaluation, and facilitating future within-state and multi-state evaluation activities. A grant was awarded to the Society for Nutrition Education to organize and run the workshop. The workshop will be held immediately following the Society for Nutrition Education's (SNE) 36th Annual Conference in July 2003 in Philadelphia, PA.
Topic: Conferences and Workshops, Nutrition Education
Guthrie, J., E. Stommes, and J. Voichick. "Evaluating Food Stamp Nutrition Education: Issues and Opportunities," Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Vol. 38, No. 1, January/February 2006.