Project: Changes in the Characteristics of the Food Stamp Program (FSP) Population Under Welfare Reform |
Award Year: 1998 |
Amount of award, fiscal 1998: $127,383.00 |
Institution: Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. |
Principal Investigator: Carole Trippe |
Status: Completed |
Detailed Objective:
This study learns how characteristics of the food stamp population have changed
under welfare reform by examining the characteristics of Food Stamp Program (FSP)
participants before and after different State welfare reform policies were implemented.
Specific topics to be considered include: impacts on the proportion of cases with
earnings, Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents exemptions, incentives for marriage
and savings, intensity of welfare-to-work emphasis, earned income disregards,
and time limits.
The nature of welfare reform programs currently in place, whether developed
under waivers or under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation
Act, vary substantially by State. This variation across States and across time
provides a "natural experiment" for studying changes in the characteristics
of the FSP caseload. Results will provide policymakers with important information
on how much and in what ways the FSP caseload is changing, and on how well the
FSP is continuing its role as a safety net for low-income households. The work
is using administrative data from the Integrated Quality Control System database
for fiscal years 1992 through 1998. A cooperative assistance agreement with
Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., was awarded in fiscal 1998 at a cost of $127,383.
The interim report summarizing the descriptive and econometric analyses is expected
in December, 2000. |
Topic: SNAP/Food Stamp Program, Welfare Reform |
Output: Gleason, P., C. Trippe, and S. Cody. "Effects of Welfare Reform on the Characteristics of the Food Stamp Population," Work‚ Welfare and Politics: Confronting Poverty in the Wake of Welfare Reform, F. Piven, J. Acker‚ M. Hallock, and S. Morgen, eds., University of Oregon Press, 2002. Gleason, P., C. Trippe, S. Cody, and J. Anderson. The Effects of Welfare Reform on the Characteristics of the Food Stamp Population, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., July 2001. |