Detailed Objective: Food Stamp Program caseloads have dropped more than can be attributed to the
growing economy. This project will assess the status of households and individuals
who leave the Food Stamp Program. One group of particular interest are able-bodied
adults between the ages of 18 and 50 without dependents (ABAWDs), because the
Food Stamp Program changes were most strict for this subgroup. The analysis will
focus on individual's ability to obtain employment, the support provided by their
earnings and other income sources, and support provided by public and/or private
programs. The research will be conducted by four grantees in four States.
Illinois Study Status: The project will examine various aspects of the
lives of former recipients in large metropolitan areas as well as rural areas&151;studying
such aspects as recidivism and issues of child care. Administrative records
for the sample of 10,001 Illinois food stamp leavers (households that received
food stamps sometime between December 1996 and November 1997 and in which no
household member received food stamps in the subsequent two months) were obtained
from the Illinois Department of Human Services. These administrative records
provided information on sample members' monthly receipt of food stamps, Temporary
Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and medical benefits as well as information
on quarterly earnings for a period of two years after program exits for most
leavers. A sample 891 heads of households was drawn from the 10,001 cases for
a targeted survey. The survey data include information on why individuals left
the Food Stamp Program (FSP) in 1997, their employment experiences since the
time of FSP exit, income and participation in public assistance programs, and
indicators of material hardship during the year prior to interview. A grant
of $377,857 was awarded to Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., in fiscal 1998
for the project. The expected completion date is January 2001.
Iowa Study Status: This project will focus on a variety of policy issues,
including exit decisions, programmatic linkages, employment and earnings, food
and housing security, and health insurance coverage. Linked administrative data
for households that were active in the Food Stamp Program for at least one month
during 1997 were obtained through working with Iowa Department of Human Resources
(IDHS). The research contrasts the characteristics of those households who left
the program with those who stayed. During fiscal 2000, the Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Policy Evaluation (ASPE), U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, provided support for continued development work in sample and questionnaire
design for supplementing the Census Bureau's Survey of Program Dynamics to meet
specific State needs for data and analysis. A grant of $400,000 was awarded
to Iowa State University in fiscal 1998 for the project. In fiscal 1999 the
grant was amended for $70,000 in order to examine statistical design issues.
The expected completion date is September 2001.
South Carolina Study Status: The project will study former food stamp
recipients to ascertain their current well-being, specifically comparing those
who are working and managing their nutritional needs with those who are not.
The project's sample design has two strata: families (one and two parent) with
children and ABAWDs. A grant of $310,746 was awarded to the South Carolina
Department of Social Services in fiscal 1998. The expected completion date is
March 2001.
Arizona Study Status: The project will examine the extent to which households
in Maricopa and Pinal Counties (the Phoenix area) that have left the Food Stamp
Program (FSP) have made successful transitions to economic self-sufficiency.
The analysis will include both administrative data compiled statewide and household
survey data. Three types of households are surveyed: ABAWDs, non-ABAWD households
who received no TANF-funded cash assistance in the year prior to closure; and
non-ABAWD households who received prior-year cash assistance. Administrative
data for the January 1997-March 1999 period for persons leaving the FSP during
the calendar year 1997 were obtained from the Arizona Department of Economic
Security. The survey instrument contains questions of food stamp benefits, household
composition and child care, employment, employment benefits and health insurance,
education and training, household income, family well-being and support, and
food security. A grant of $399,471 was awarded to Abt Associates, Inc. in fiscal
1998. The expected completion date is December 30, 2000. |
Output: Dagata, E. Issues in Food Assistance--Assessing the Self-Sufficiency of Food Stamp Leavers, Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Report No. 26-8, USDA, ERS, September 2002. Jensen, H., S. Garasky, C. Wessman, and S. Nusser. Iowa Food Stamp Leavers Survey: Final Report, E-FAN-020014-1, USDA, ERS, July 2002. Mills, G., and R. Kornfeld. Study of Arizona Adults Leaving the Food Stamp Program: Final Report, E-FAN-01-001, USDA, ERS, December 2000. Nusser, S., L. Anderson, and D. Anderson. Iowa Food Stamp Leavers Survey: Methodology Report, E-FAN-02-014-2, USDA, ERS, July 2002. Rangarajan, A., and P. Gleason. Food Stamp Leavers in Illinois--How Are They Doing Two Years Later?, Final Report, E-FAN-01-002, USDA, ERS, January 2001. Richardson, P., G. Scoenfeld, S. LaFever, F. Jackson, F., and M. Tecco. Food Stamp Leavers Research Study--Study of ABAWDs Leaving the Food Stamp Program in South Carolina: Final Report, E-FAN-03-002, USDA, ERS, March 2003. Richardson, P., G. Scoenfeld, S. LaFever, F. Jackson, F., and M. Tecco. Food Stamp Leavers Research Study--Study of Nonwelfare Families Leaving the Food Stamp Program in South Carolina: Final Report, E-FAN-03-003, USDA, ERS, March 2003. |