Detailed Objective: The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 increased the size of the Food Stamp Employment
and Training (E&T) Program, enhanced its emphasis on assistance to unemployed
able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs), and changed how States are authorized
to use E&T funds. In response to a legislatively mandated request from Congress,
this study provides an assessment of the E&T Program due to these revisions.
This study will collect information in four main areas:
- the number of participants in workfare, education, and training programs
in each State and the District of Columbia;
a detailed description of the types of programs each State offers;
the amounts of Federal funds spent, by State, on E&T Programs; and
descriptions of participants, by State, using E&T program services, especially
in terms of ABAWD status.
The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996
(PRWORA) dramatically changed the eligibility rules for ABAWDs. With the exception
of regions of States receiving waivers due to a lack of employment opportunities,
ABAWDs not working 20 or more hours per week; not participating in and complying
with the requirements of a work program (excluding job search and job search
training) at least 20 hours per week; or not participating in and complying
with a workfare or comparable program, no longer qualify for food stamps for
more than 3 months in any 36 month period. While the majority of E&T participants
have always been ABAWDs, the Balanced Budget Act increased the amount of money
for E&T Programs and limited the types of programs available for ABAWDs.
A fixed-price contract was awarded to Health Systems Research, Inc., at a cost
of $291,609 in fiscal 1998. The final report is expected to be completed in December, 2000. |