Project: Weekday and Weekend Eating: Assessing the Effect of School Meals |
Award Year: 2010 |
Amount of award, fiscal 2010: $125,000.00 |
Institution: Cornell University |
Principal Investigator: Karla Hanson |
Status: Ongoing |
Detailed Objective: This project will assess the effects of the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program on the prevalence of weekend “hunger” among school-age children through an innovative use of survey data. The project will use National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data for 2003-08, which include 2 24-hour dietary recalls for approximately 2,800 school-age children, to estimate the prevalence of children who experience inadequate caloric intake and compromised diet quality on the weekend, identify the characteristics of children that are most likely to experience inadequate food quantity on the weekend, analyze how participation in school meals is associated with weekend hunger, and consider the implications for food assistance policy. The project’s unique approach compares weekday and weekend eating for the same individuals, thereby controlling for unobserved differences across children. |
Topic: Food Security, School Lunch and Breakfast |
Dataset: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) |
Output: Hanson, K. L., and C. M. Olson. “School Meals Participation and Weekday Dietary Quality Were Associated after Controlling for Weekend Eating among U.S. School Children Aged 6 to 17 Years,” The Journal of Nutrition, Vol. 143, No. 5, May 2013.