Project: Analysis of Census 2000 Supplementary Survey Data |
Award Year: 2003 |
Amount of award, fiscal 2003: $50,000.00 |
Institution: Food and Nutrition Service, USDA |
Principal Investigator: Jay Hirschman |
Status: Completed |
Detailed Objective: Each year, States compete for a High Performance Bonus in the Food Stamp Program. USDA is planning to use Census data to assess competition for the bonuses. However, a recent analysis showed a large disparity between the count of Food Stamp Recipients in the Maryland administrative records and the number of recipients estimated from the Census 2000 Supplementary Survey and from estimates from the 2000 American Community Survey for Calvert County. This project will investigate the reasons for the possible biases in the Census data. |
Topic: Data Collection and Methodology, SNAP/Food Stamp Program |
Output: Taeuber, C., D. Resnick, S. Love, J. Staveley, P. Wilde, and R. Larson. Differences in Estimates of Food Stamp Program Participation Between Surveys and Administrative Records, June 2004. (Available at U.S. Census Bureau website at |