Project: What Explains Recent Changes in Food Stamp Program Caseloads?
Award Year: 1999
Amount of award, fiscal 1999: $96,807.00
Institution: Abt Associates, Inc.
Principal Investigator: Robert Kornfeld
Status: Completed
Detailed Objective: This work is designed to improve models of caseload dynamics and enable policymakers and program analysts to better anticipate and forecast future fluctuations in Food Stamp Program (FSP) participation over the business cycle. The project will employ variation in the timing and magnitude of changes in economic conditions and policy changes at the State level in order to estimate their effects on FSP caseload changes. Similar models have already been used extensively to study cash welfare programs. A novel feature of the project is its use of detailed information available in Quality Control Data on FSP participants. The work is a cooperative assistance agreement with Abt Associates, Inc. for a cost of $96,807 in fiscal 1999. A final report is expected to be completed in February 2001.
Topic: Macroeconomic Conditions, SNAP/Food Stamp Program
Dataset: Food Stamp Program Quality Control Data (FSPQC)
Kornfeld, R. Explaining Recent Trends in Food Stamp Program Caseloads: Final Report, E-FAN-02-008, USDA, ERS, March 2002.