Project: Nudging High School Students Toward Better School Lunch Food Choices: Planning for Behavioral Economic Interventions in West Virginia
Award Year: 2010
Amount of award, fiscal 2010: $30,000.00
Institution: West Virginia University
Principal Investigator: Cheryl Brown
Status: Ongoing
Detailed Objective: This project will identify potential behavioral economic interventions to promote healthy food choices by students in West Virginia high schools. It will assess the current school lunch environment in a sample of high school cafeterias in three counties across northern West Virginia. Findings will be used to determine acceptable, appropriate interventions that could be implemented in high schools to test how the use of behavioral economic principles could influence students to choose healthier options. A proposal for funding studies of behavioral economic interventions will be developed, as will a planning template that can be used at high schools throughout the state.
Topic: Behavioral Economics, Child Nutrition, School Lunch and Breakfast