Project: Food Expenditures by Food Stamp Recipients: Results Using the Consumer Expenditure Survey
Award Year: 2007
Amount of award, fiscal 2007: $34,496.00
Institution: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Principal Investigator: Thomas DeLeire
Status: Completed
Detailed Objective: To tabulate the food expenditures of food stamp recipients and nonrecipients by various sociodemographic characteristics using data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE). The analysis will provide an economic perspective on food use by food stamp recipients by examining food expenditures. This study will compliment other ERS research on food intake by low-income households using National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data. This study will also investigate underreporting of Food Stamp Program participation and benefits in the CE by household types as distinguished by various sociodemographic characteristics. This investigation will provide greater detail on underreporting than does other ongoing ERS work examining overall CE underreporting.
Topic: SNAP/Food Stamp Program
Dataset: Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE)