Project: Using Nudges and Incentives to Promote Long-Run Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables in Children
Award Year: 2011
Amount of award, fiscal 2011: $244,000.00
Institution: Brigham Young University
Principal Investigator: Joseph Price
Status: Ongoing
Detailed Objective: This study will explore the effectiveness of six low-cost “nudges” in increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables by schoolchildren. The interventions are default options, rewards programs, verbal prompts, reduced access to alternative options, location of fruits and vegetables, easier access to fruits and vegetables, and more convenient serving utensils. In addition, the study will compare the effect of the nudges with low-cost (25 cent) prizes. Researchers will measure food waste and food purchase to assess the actual food consumption in 30 Utah elementary schools. The study has three objectives: 1. To evaluate the effect of several different nudges for healthy food consumption when used simultaneously, comparing the impact of costless nudges and nudges plus financial incentives. 2. To measure how the response to different interventions changes over the course of the treatment period 3. To examine the impact of intervention duration on intake of healthy foods post-intervention among children.
Topic: Behavioral Economics, Child Nutrition, Dietary Intake and Quality