Project: Using Positive Deviance Principles to Identify Best Practices of Choice Architecture and Build Research Capacity with School Food Authorities
Award Year: 2010
Amount of award, fiscal 2010: $30,000.00
Institution: Oklahoma State University
Principal Investigator: Deana Hildebrand
Status: Ongoing
Detailed Objective: This project will draw on behavioral economics theories to identify affordable, acceptable, and sustainable choice-architecture-based strategies to increase fruit and vegetable consumption among middle school students. It will gather information on current relevant practices in Oklahoma middle schools; compile an inventory of successful choice-architecture-based methods of improving food choices; and conduct a statewide forum with school foodservice professionals to introduce them to the use of choice architecture in school cafeteria settings and establish a network of school foodservice staff interested in testing choice-architecture-based innovations in school cafeterias.
Topic: Behavioral Economics, Child Nutrition, School Lunch and Breakfast