Project: Influence of Developmental Differences on Children's Responses to Information on Foods
Award Year: 2010
Amount of award, fiscal 2010: $25,000.00
Institution: University of Wisconsin
Principal Investigator: Sean Cash
Status: Ongoing
Detailed Objective: This project will investigate how the response of schoolchildren to food attributes is influenced by individual differences in cognitive and language ability, executive functioning, dietary knowledge, and age, and the implications for designing policies to improve dietary health. Work under this planning grant is designed to develop a research plan for assessing how developmental differences influence children’s response to information about food attributes, with a special focus on how responses change across ages that typically mark transition from the elementary to the secondary (middle and high) school settings. Focus groups and structured interviews with children representing different age and educational stages will be conducted and used to inform study design. Schools and school officials will be recruited for participation in study planning activities and participation in later stages of the project.
Topic: Behavioral Economics, Child Nutrition, School Lunch and Breakfast