Project: Research Design Considerations for Integrating Cost Data with Customer Information in an Evaluation of School Meal Performance
Award Year: 2002
Amount of award, fiscal 2001: $55,496.00 fiscal 2002: $6,993.47
Institution: Abt Associates
Principal Investigator: John Kirlin
Status: Completed
Detailed Objective: This project examines the study design considerations, with respect to complexity, feasibility, and cost, of integrating cost data with measures of customer behavior and satisfaction in an evaluation of the performance of the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program.

ERS is interested in obtaining a better understanding of the study design considerations, such as complexity, feasibility, and cost, of integrating cost data with measures of customer behavior and satisfaction in an evaluation of the performance of the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program. A number of previous studies have examined particular aspects of this issue, but none have used an integrated approach. Such an approach would clearly be desirable; however, its complexity, feasibility, and cost require consideration. To obtain a better understanding of the issues, ERS organized an expert workshop on the issue, to be followed by a report that will summarize the issues and recommend research that could be undertaken to improve the design of an integrated study. Additional funding of $6,993 was provided in fiscal 2002 in support of the expert workshop.

Topic: Conferences and Workshops, School Lunch and Breakfast